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Mind, Money & Myths

Mind, Money & Myths..
We have a Mind which is conditioned with Limited Beliefs & Patterns from our Past Experiences, about Money, just like any other important aspect of our lives. However, when it comes to Money, things go far more serious with many of us.
We live in this Bermuda Triangle of Mind, Money & Myths.. that keep our Minds away from Mastering one of our own Creation,
the Money..
We mostly live by a Myth, the Myth of Scarcity and Insecurity, in our Minds.
Where there is Myth, meaning Lack of Clarity, there will be Fear as well.
Fear, can lead to Reactions, towards People or Self, but there can be No thoughtful Response to the Situation in fact, when one is in Fear.
In Fear, we may be Reactive, Panic or Aggressive, but we can't be fully In-charge of our Selves, can we? Thus all the wrong decisions, reactions, unwanted consequences, and repeat.
Fear of not having enough, or some day falling short of something you may need, grips us and keeps us miser, unhappy and insecure for a large part of our Life, even when in fact we often have more than enough.
As a result of this, we agree to, or say we 'Sign-Up' for limited experience of Life, in an illusion of virtual guarantee of a "Secured Life"..
Secured Life.. but from what? What is the Danger that we are securing ourselves from?
A well programmed, conditioned Fear, creates an illusion of a Fake Danger, which we keep reacting to until we realize it is Fake.
It looks like a Conspiracy of few powerful people, who got a little access to this knowledge about the Mind and intentionally kept the masses away from this so called "the Secret"..
Fortunately there is nothing so dark & ugly about just another human beings like you & me.
Conspiracy is there, but there are no intentional Conspirers to be blamed.
Each one contributes by creating & living the limiting Myths in their Minds.
Can you see the vicious loop that this 'Bermuda Triangle' creates?
Thankfully, you are the Creator of all this and thus ONLY YOU have the exclusive access & rights to Break-free from this vicious cycle.
The Answer is Awareness!
If you are more Self Aware, then how can you fool yourself anymore?
You CAN NOT Scare yourself with Fake Dangers, because you'll be able to see the Facts, and also the Risks, if any.
When you have no Fear, you ASK better Questions, you Learn better, you're more Clearer.
Thus there can be no more Myths, or Beliefs, or Patterns limiting You.
The Answer is Awareness! Whatever the Question be, the Answer is Self Awareness.
If you understand how your Mind works, you'll also understand how generally a human mind functions?
And since, the Human Mind is the Creator itself of the concept called Money, you also get absolute clarity on how Money works, which is no Rocket Science in fact.
For a Change, try & respond to Fear when this time it triggers, instead of reacting to it as usual. Respond to it with some Questions, to understand the factual validity of it.
For a Change, this time upgrade from just looking for Economic Security, or a Lavish Lifestyle.. to a unconditionally Happy, infinitely Abundant & deep Meaningful Experience of Life..
You very much deserve it, don't you?


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