To fly high in Life, one needs these 2 Wings of Success
What are these 2 Wings of Success?
Lets find out..
Which Trait or Behavior is needed to achieve what you set out as Goals.
We have set many goals till now, some we have achieved, some not.
Have you thought about that magic ingredient? that ensures you give your best? and keep on learning from all your efforts?
There is a lot that has been said on this, and various shortcuts have been given by people.
But all of that is also dependent upon something outside of your control.
There are two things super critical for achievement of any Goal - Self-Belief & Self-Love
If any individual performs anything with these two energies, then there is no need for any Luck, no need of any favor, support or grace.
Whenever we plan or execute anything, the energies which stop us, or spoil our efforts, are the energies of Fear and Doubt, aren't they?
Multiple Fears get created and triggered, on the thought of failure…
Multiple Doubts, towards our abilities and capabilities…
No matter how better prepared we are, Fear and Doubt will spoil the efforts as they curtail our thinking process and negatively alter our perceptions.