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Choose Wisely: Fake Suffering VS Real Learning

How real can robots be? 🤖 and how fake can humans be? 🤡

We are testing our limits both ways 🏋

Today, we live in a World (atleast) free from Slavery, so we have no more Bonded Labourers.. 🤘

We all are independent people of 21st Century, so we are all finally..

Self-Bonded Labourers.. 🤕😅

which is to say, that we are the ones who chose Suffering for ourselves by sticking to our fake stories, images and egos.. 😵

and only we can chose otherwise for ourselves.. like:

  • Choose Self Awareness over Ignorance..😇

  • Choose Self Love over Suffering.. 🤗

  • Choose Real over Fake.. 🙃

Fakeness is Suffering, just as much as Suffering is Fakeness.. 😕

We are by Choice, enSlaved by our own dreams, ambitions, self expectations, egos and (the perceived burden of) our responsibilities.. 😰

and the matter of fact is, that as soon as we can take NO MORE, we will destroy everything that once mattered to us like Life & Death.. 😆

let it be a Business, a Career, a Relationship, your Money.. anything..

We know eventually we will have to change, but why not tomorrow (but then tomorrow never comes) 😬

We are just testing our limits in all directions.. 😖

The biggest Joke of all this is, that your Ego doesn't even exist!! 😅😆

We are in fact.. Infinite..😯 which means there are no Limits indeed.. no matter how strongly you believe in a few limitations of yours to be truly there..

which means, that if we intend to go further downward, we can fake it beyond every limit that (only) we decide..

which also means, that if we intend to go upward, we can be really real beyond every doubt that (only) we have..

Imagine being the Highest, Truest, Purest & (in real sense) Infinite YOU 😇

not just another better version of you, but Discovering, Realizing & Becoming the actual Real YOU..

Or else, lets keep going as it is.. We will anyway hit a threshold on our way downwards and bounce back one or the other day..

But.. that day can be today, without a bounce hitting straight on your nose.. 👊👃😭

in other words, if we do not learn consciously, we still have to evolve, right? 🤔 So if you are not a good Learner, Life has Good Lessons for you.. 😰

Nature let's you be on a natural graduation scheme..

which is to say that you will take only as much suffering as much you can handle, and as it hits your own threshold, you would choose to take charge.. even if it involves killing your Ego, compromising on your Pleasures, Comfort & Convenience.. you will do it no matter how challenging it is..

these difficult experiences can be said to be the Lessons of Life.. only for those who don't Learn proactively... who don't stay true to themselves..

If you don't Learn wholeheartedly, you get Lessons, but anyway you do evolve at the end of the day.. Thankfully

But you can choose.. Either Learning.. Or Lessons..

the Pace, the Direction, your Time, Priorities, Goals, Efforts, Focus, Decisions.. even Relationships, your Success, Growth, Money.. almost everything that really matters to you, is purely chosen by you in fact.. believe it or not.. but better if you realize this ASAP.. i.e. NOW⏳

if you choose, you can literally ELIMINATE Suffering, by choosing to Learn to be Self Aware.. instead of waiting for difficult Lessons of Life.. to come as Suffering.. 💣

Choose Clarity, and start learning NOW 🤘


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