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How to Break-Free all Limitations? Right NOW? - ASK KriShiv

Why let self created limitations stop us from doing what our spirit truly wants?

Is it not bad enough that we don't have control over situations and people and to most part over the results of our efforts.. Right?

Still we let our self un-awareness be a limiting factor .. many a time without even actually knowing, that we have created these limitations.

Its true and we can't blame our mind, for we have conditioned it to believe in this untruth.. Not once not a few times.. but an entire lifetime of constantly reminding ourselves of our limitations.. Isn't it?

"Self doubt" is the child, born out of the marriage of 'un-awareness' and 'ignorance' ..

When we don't take the efforts to know all that we are.. Clearly.. Truly... We are...

I am afraid, headed towards a life of Limitations!

Life is a gift of brilliant and fulfilling opportunities - not limitations..

Yes? Then how come we are surrounded by people reminding us that we are limited.. So much so that we become this imaginary limitation.. Yes or no?

Ask a child what kind of a house he will buy and live in when he grows up.. He may tell you, with sparkling eyes full of confidence and excitement...

"a very very big house of 16 bedrooms a huge cricket ground.. an amusement park within and yes 6 swimming pools" .. Right? ..

Now ask the same.. to a Grown up.. off comes a calculated answer..

"A 2 BHK but in the outskirts.. Wont be able to afford by the time I decide to buy .. Budgeted home" .. Right? Possible?

As a child we never thought we CAN'T do something or be anyone or get anything .. Is it not true?

But as we grew up .. Our surroundings, our environment, our conditioning, our societal beliefs.. Made our 'Limitations' grow much much faster than us..

Mainly due to our 'un-awareness' of our 'True Selves'

Why this belief that you are infinite, is important at all..? You may ask..

The reason is simple .. Please pay attention..

Is it not true that what ever we have achieved.. we have first thought about it in our minds (in thought form) .. Pondered over it sometimes and then got to work and achieved it .. Yes or no?

Of course it is .. Our thoughts are the source of our actions and results.. Right?

Now think about what governs Your Thoughts? Think ...

Think .. Yes it is your BELIEFS !

Now imagine the above with the belief that you are Infinite.. You see the picture right? Its a life of brilliant opportunities and blissful co-existence that you will see I am sure..

Please don't let yourself believe that you are limited..

Know that YOU are truly INFINITE

You are the creator and the destroyer of your opportunities..

Take charge and live life - Limitless...

Love and light always


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